You are not here
Interactive web installation 

You are not here is a durational interactive installation that explores the feeling of being misrepresented or omitted from typical maps. It encourages audiences to engage in counter-mapping by pinning locations on an unlabeled and geo-tag-less map. This means that the map does not contain any labels, and pins contributed by users are not geo-tagged, but placed in a grid on top of the traditional map.

Over time, the contributed pins will cover the original map, creating a completely new map that does not rely on the optics of colonial mapping.

This project was first conceptualized as a final year capstone project for the Interactive Media program at NYU Abu Dhabi and was later exhibited at Ars Electronica’s 2023 Campus Exhibition in Linz, Austria and Festival X’s NEXT GEN Exhibition in Dubai, UAE.

IM_CAPSTONE_final_FINAL: What Lies Beyond? (Abu Dhabi, May 2023)

Ars Electronica Campus Exhibition (Linz, September 2023)

Festival X NEXT GEN Exhibition (Dubai, October 2023)